Birgit Unterholzner / Clara Frühwirth
Vielleicht warst du ein Flügelschlag
Vielleicht warst du ein FlügelschlagCover Hardcover
Size 32 Pages
Format 21,0 x 28,5
ISBN 978-3-7117-4002-1
First published 2018
»Perhaps You Were a Flutter of Wings«
A poetic story about the big questions in life.
Felicia wants to know »Why am I in this world? Where do I come from?« Daddy tells her: »You are here because we wished for you.« »You were in my belly once«, says mummy. But how did she get in there? »You were a chimpanzee baby«, mocks her older brother. Maybe she was a dragon tree. Or a star of hope? Or she was a song that fell to earth. We can't know where we come from. But we can imagine, and feel how our laughter reverbs throughout the world.