Cover Hardcover
Size 178 Pages
Format 13,5 x 21,0
ISBN 978-3-7117-2077-1
First published 2019
»Death in Monte Carlo«
In the year 1939, at a very high age, the Yugoslav doctor Moritz Karpaty goes on holiday for the first time in his life. His friend Viktor Elek, a rich factory owner, encourages him to join his trip to Monte Carlo, but soon a shadow is cast over the journey: World War II breaks out and the guests at the Hotel Hermitage can't do anything but worriedly follow the events on the radio. They believe to be safe and so does Moritz. After winning a fortune at the casino, he decides to lavishly spend everything in Monte Carlo. Meeting Ira, a young Russian ballerina, he is reminded of what youth felt like. In the meantime a catastrophe of war and persecution takes its course.
Against the glamorous backdrop of the Côte d'Azur and in the face of destruction, Ivan Ivanji evokes the last days of a forgotten world.