Christian Klinger

Die Liebenden von der Piazza Oberdan

Die Liebenden von der Piazza Oberdan


Cover Hardcover
Size 320 Pages
Format 13,5 x 21,0
ISBN 978-3-7117-2099-3
First published 2020
»The Lovers from Oberdan Square«

Three generations, two wars, one tragic love story.
A family saga from Trieste.

After scarcely escaping World War I, Vittorio, a young man from Trieste, manages to build a carreer for himself as a lawyer. During the fascist dictatorship in Italy he offers to help Jews and Slovenes with emigration, which causes him trouble with the authorities. His son Pino, who enjoyed a sheltered upbringing, studies architecture, which saves him from being drafted in 1940. He is in love with Laura, a young teacher. However, Pino somewhat unintentionally gets caught up with the partisans, which alerts the Gestapo…

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