Luca Kieser

Weil da war etwas im Wasser

Weil da war etwas im Wasser


Cover Hardcover
Size 320 Pages
Format 13,5 x 21,0
ISBN 978-3-7117-2137-2
First published 2023
Something in the Water

When a giant squid docks onto a deep-sea cable his eight arms begin to talk. They explain what it is like to be a squid, to live in complete darkness and be considered a monster by humans. They tell the story of Sanja and Dagmar who both work aboard a freezer trawler in Antarctica and have to take care of a squid, they map out a family history over centuries, they take us to rural Swabia in the 1960s, to Disneyland and the making of 20 000 Leagues Under The Sea. They talk about Jules Verne, Peter Benchley, Robert Mattey and their relations to the squid.

Most importantly they show how difficult it is for humans to write about animals, and why we should do it anyways.