Birgit Unterholzner / Clara Frühwirth
Weißt du, wo es Katzen und Hunde regnet?
Weißt du, wo es Katzen und Hunde regnet?Cover Hardcover
Size 32 Pages
Format 16,5 x 24,0
ISBN 978-3-7117-4011-3
First published 2019
»Raining Cats and Dogs«
Mia loves the rain. She loves thinking about what she could do in the wonderful, fresh, pouring rain. Miss Ernestine just complains: »It's so wet!« But she does think it's funny that it's raining »chair legs« in Greece or »cats and dogs« in England. Mia tells Miss Ernestine about the beautiful colours of the rain, the feeling of walking on the sand when it pours. And then, out of the blue, it suddenly starts to rain and it looks like silver strings! Finally, Miss Ernestine can feel it too: the rain's magic!
An imaginative, poetic celebration of rain in all its glory, wonder, smells and colours!